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September 3, 2008
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Robert Lowell, Matt Kennedy, Michael Scott, Leonard Anderson, and Ken Strom

Members Absent: A. Costello (arrived at 7:10)

Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre

Others:  A. Holmquist, D. Getman, J. Robinson, R. Weidknecht

The meeting began at 7:00 PM.

NOTICE OF INTENT - 315 Mason Rd. - Applicant is currently working with DEP on revisions to the septic system and requests a continuance until the next meeting.

NOTICE OF INTENT - Winterberry Hollow - M. Donahue presented the proposal for a 192-unit apartment complex located off of Newell Road and Salisbury Street. R. Weidknecht then spoke to the Commission and located the several wetland areas, vernal pools, and riverfront areas located on the site. He pointed out the five areas of work planned in the buffer zone, signified as Site A thru E, and detailed them as to the square footage of disturbance to the buffer zone. M. Kennedy asked what was the status of the peer review. P. Harding informed him that Graves is halfway through the drainage calculations and is satisfied with what they've seen so far. Their report will be ready for the next meeting in October. The applicants were then questioned on several items regarding how storm water was going to be treated, sediment removal, and roof run-off. One area of concern was the Erosion Control Plan. The current plan description includes areas for stockpiling, diversion swales, and hay bales. M. Kennedy asked the applicant to provide a Sediment Erosion Control plan by phase. R. Lowell also noted that the temporary silt stockpile area overlaps the upper zone of the vernal pool buffer. He asked that the stockpiling be moved out of this area. M. Scott raised a concern about the long-term slope stability on the 1:1 slope by Newell Rd, known as Site B. He again, expressed his concern and asked for assurance that these soils are stable. The applicant stated that soil studies were done and submitted to the Commission. However, the applicant did agree to provide a summary of the soil studies to the Commission for clarification. The topic of the bus turn-around was discussed. The Zoning Board of Appeals had requested that the bus turn-around be flipped to the other side of the road. The floor was then opened to the public for questions and comments. J. Robinson, an abutter to Site B, expressed his concern regarding the vernal pool. Because of the site plan, three sides of the pond would be inaccessible. Also, a concern was the drop-off on the 1:1 slope in Site B. He felt it was a public safety issue and a protective barrier should be considered. He also asked the Commission to consider the esthetics of the large cut in the hill that would result to create the 1:1 slope. M. Kennedy responded that the Commission couldn't address those types of concerns. The Commission will review the Peer Review comments and revisit the drainage calculations. Two areas of interest will be the original details of the 1:1 slope area and the erosion control plan. Continued until next meeting.

REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY - 19 Salisbury Street - Owner wants to dig a geo-thermal well 40 - 50 feet from wetlands. total disturbed area will be approximately 20 x 20, with a 4x4x4 settling pit and a 4-5 foot deep trench from the well to the back of the building. After minimal discussion, R. Lowell made a motion to recommend a Negative Determination with the provision that the well be constructed with the details enumerated by the applicant. M. Scott seconded. All in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 118 Brattle Street - Theodore Pappas - After a brief review of the details, L. Anderson made a motion to deny the Certificate of Compliance until the fine is paid in full. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Wachusett Regional High School - D. Getman informed the Commission that DCR met with the applicant. There were several issues that he felt required more attention. One area of concern was the lack of a restoration plan for the resource areas. The Conservation Commission and Engineering will do a site inspection to address the scope of all the issues. They also requested that the as-built and certification for the Stormwater Management System be submitted to the Commission. Continued until next meeting.

ASIAN LONGHORNED BEETLE - Three current subdivisions are within the affected areas - Alden Woods, Deer Run, and Wachusett Woods. Regulations state that trees at these sites cannot be transported out of the regulated areas. They must be chipped into 1-inch by 1-inch pieces or burned. D. Getman, representing DCR, added that it is not permissible to plant new host species in the regulated areas.

REQUEST FOR EXTENSION - Camp Kinneywood - Request an extension on an Order of Conditions. Applicant hasn't begun work yet. K. Strom made a motion to extend the Order for 2 more years. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All in favor.

Minutes - R. Lowell made a motion to accept the minutes of July 16, 2008 with the correction of the term from "lever" to "level". K. Strom seconded. All in favor. K. Strom made a motion to accept the minutes from August 6, 2008. M. Scott seconded, with M. Kennedy and R. Lowell abstaining.

R. Lowell made the motion to close the hearing. M. Scott seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for October 1, 2008.

September 3, 2008 minutes approved October 1, 2008.